Surah Sajda and its total amount in Quran | Total Sajda | Sajda

There are 14 Sajdah Ayaat in the Quran. These are verses in the Quran that command Muslims to perform a Sajdah, or prostration, as an act of worship.

So a Muslim must offer a single Sajdah/Prostration while read a Ayaat/Line among these 14 Ayaats of Sajdah immediately or after, and it is obligatory.

One Sajdah Ayaat leads to one Sajdah, two Ayaats lead to Sajdah and so one.

These verses are found in the following surahs (chapters) of the Quran:There are 14 Sajdah Ayaat (verses) in the Quran.

Surah Sajda and its total amount in Quran
Surah Sajda and its total amount in Quran

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