Surah Al Mutaffifin Tajweed | Mp4 Video | 83

Opinions are divided about this Surah on whether it is a Meccan Surah or a Medinan one.

One of the occasions of revelation of the Surah denotes that the beginning verses of the Surah, which are about shortchanging, can be about those tradesmen who dealt in fraud in Medina.

Other verses of the Surah mostly resemble, from the point of tone, the Meccan Surahs, whose short and meaningful verses warn of the Resurrection and the horrible events of the Hereafter. Particularly, the last verses of the Surah, which speak about the mockings of the disbelievers at the believers, match the earlier environment of Mecca where Muslims were in a minority and unbelievers were in a majority.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that some commentators consider a part of the Surah Meccan and another part of it belonging to the Medina period. But, on the whole, this Surah seems chronologically close to the Meccan period.

In any case, the theme of the Surah is divided into five categories:

1. It seriously warns and threatens the defrauders.

2. It points to the lack of strong belief in the Resurrection as being the origin of corruption and great sins.

3. There are some hints in this Surah showing the end of the Wicked on That Great Day.

4. It points to some of the great gifts and delightful blessings of the Righteous in the Garden of Bliss.

5. The unbelievers, foolishly mocking at the believers, in this life, and the reverse situation, in the Hereafter is briefly referred to in the Surah.

Surah Al Mutaffifin Tajweed download free
Surah Al Mutaffifin Tajweed download free

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