Time Machine Back up mac os | Apple | Mac

Todays tutorial video is how to back up your macbook os to other drive. this is for all those who never use mac os before or any linux os like ubuntu etc. linux is very hard for windows users. we decide to upload these video so it can be helpful to you and others as well. lets start tutorail video how to backup your mac os. 
apple mac os backup using time machine option
Apple mac os backup time machine 

The application we are using here is a build in feature of mac know as time machine open application folder and run it 
also search in search bar as time machine then open it 
after that chose a drive where you want to set your mac os back up 
then you need auto backup or not chose it 
then wait till it back it up the os for you it ill take time depends on the speed of your mac and mac os backup size also on the speed of the drive that you use.
once your mac backup complated your drive color will be change to time machine green logo
thats all... best of luck follow below tutorial.
methode is same for all mac os and mac devices like macbook, i mac, etc os hish sira, ventura etc

Tutorial Guide

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