Resident Evil 3 | Pc Game | Game

After surviving several encounters with Nemesis, Jill manages to reactivate power to the subway, while Carlos and Tyrell remain in the city to search for Dr. Nathaniel Bard, an Umbrella scientist who might know how to make a vaccine for the T-virus and save the city. As Jill, Nicholai, and Mikhail depart in the train, Mikhail expresses his suspicions towards Nicholai on how their platoon was ambushed by zombies. Nemesis suddenly attacks the train and kills the civilians; Nicholai locks the other two out, forcing them to defend themselves. Nemesis grabs Mikhail, who sacrifices himself by detonating an explosive, causing the train to derail. Jill escapes as seemingly the only survivor of the crash. Carlos and Tyrell travel to the city’s police department, where they plan to find Bard in the S.T.A.R.S. office. The two witness R.P.D. Lieutenant Marvin Branagh being bitten by a zombified Brad, who is killed by Carlos shortly afterwards.

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