Surah An-Nasr (the Help) | An Nasr | Pdf

Quran An Nasr The 110th surah of the Holy Quran has 3 verses. The Surah was revealed in Medina. So Surah belongs to Madani Surah. Another name for the surah is “Tawdi” which means “Farewell”. In this Surah there is an indication that the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is near, hence its name “Tawdi”. Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: “Surah An-Nasr is the last complete Surah of the Holy Qur’an to be revealed.There are differing opinions on exactly when the Quran An Nasr was revealed.

However, Hadrat Ibn ‘Umar (R) said: Surah An-Nasr has been revealed in the Farewell Hajj. Then the verse Al Yaoma Akmaltu Lakum Deenukum was revealed After that Rasulullah (SAW) was alive for only eighty days. There were fifty days left in the life of Rasulullah (SAW). Then the verse of Kamala was revealed and then with thirty-five days of a death, “Laqad ya-akum asylum min anfushikum aziyun alaihi.” And no complete surah has been revealed.


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