Ip Man | Movie | Action / Adventure / Biography / Drama / History / Sport

Dramatizes the life of Yip Man (1893-1972) in the mid to late 1930s. Foshun is a prosperous city with many martial arts schools. Yip, who practices Wing Chun, is the local master. When a rough gang comes to town, it's Yip they must challenge. Then, Japan invades China. Yip and his family live in poverty, with Yip taking any work for food. General Miura, now in charge, stages martial arts fights between Chinese and his men: winners get extra rice. When the general's attaché murders a colleague of Yip's, Yip must step forward. At the same time, the ruffians return to town, this time threatening a local cotton mill. Can Yip protect the mill and also face Miura and certain death? 


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