Surah As-Saaffaat | Saffaat | Pdf

This Surah has 182 verses divided into 5 Rukus / Sections. The Surah revealed in Mecca almost at the same time period as that of Surah Yaseen i.e in later years of Muhammad’s stay in Mecca before migration to Madina. The Surah speaks about the teachings of various messengers of God and that all of them preached the same divine message. It gives warnings to the deniers that their plots against the Message of God will not work and that the truth will predominate.

The story of Abraham and his son was told that how Abraham became ready to sacrifice his only son just on a vision he saw and the submission of his son to his father’s order and God’s command. It tells the real motive of Islam that how you should submit to God and ready for any sacrifice in the way of God.

The Prophet of God PBUH said: For one who recites Surah Saffat, God gives him 10 rewards equal to the no. of all Jinns and Devils and keeps away from him the evil of Devils and protects him from disbelief and his 2 guarding angels will witness for him on the Judgment Day that he had faith in the messengers.

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