Microsoft Teams | Teams for pc | Software

Ok the most useful online product after zoom is Microsoft teams, like zoom it also use for communication between teams, group of people join in same app same server to learn or share learning etc, it is design to provide help between groups of same company in covid now a days it is also use for online educational purpose. 

Lets read what there maker say about this product 

Whether it’s chat, calls, or video, anyone can engage at any time, bringing everyone closer.

Your docs, photos, videos, chat history, and meeting notes are always there, so it’s easier to work together.

Set up your team’s space with all the apps you need so you can stay in just one place instead of jumping around

Lets gave you link 

microsoft teams pc versionf free download
Microsoft teams 

First link for pc 



Now google users android app


Now for apple device iphone user


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