Yamaha S90 ES v1.6 (KONTAKT) | Yamaha | Kontakt

Yamaha S90 ES v1.6 (KONTAKT) is designed and developed with 14 piano patches from Yamaha S90 ES and sampled carefully with mLan16. Users can work with the main patch and connect it with the second one for better sounding and also has additional pads and reverbs for better quality and results.
Yamaha S90 ES v1.6 (KONTAKT) has a modern user interface and has a simple main dashboard with four layers listed with separate volume control. The application is developed with LED display for indication of an active one voice or two voice presents. It also has the ability to switch the memory usage modes and visually displays the Velocity curves. To avoid any sounds spaces when switching between patches, the application has tools for achieving smooth switching and attaining an interrupting sound. The included patches are Natural S, Elegant S, Bright S, Dark S, Intimate, DigiGrand, and more


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