Overhaulin' Season 4 Episode 5 | Sport car show | Overhauling online

The show's premise was that an unknowing "victim" – the mark, in the show's language — is nominated to be "Overhauled" by his or her family or friends, the insiders. The mark's car, usually an old and tired antique car, was obtained through some ruse. Some common examples included the car being "stolen" by Evans, Janic or Foose, a car being misplaced or lost at a mechanic's shop, or the car being towed away by "police."

An integral part of the show was when the two co-hosts play tricks on the unsuspecting mark, sometimes acting in roles of insurance adjusters or law enforcement agents, other times helping the insider, while Chip Foose and a team of mechanics – dubbed "The A-Team" – have a week to rem

When chip become some host of his own show and his duty goes to the host they prove they both are at there best this is what we call overhaulin where host got trick and foose got tricked out.
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